
Here are some tools can be used for yabgp.

Route Injector

Tools location:

This tool can be used to send bgp update messages to yabgp process. For example, you start a yabgp process:

$ python yabgp/bin/yabgpd --bgp-local_as=100 --bgp-local_addr= \
                          --bgp-remote_addr= --bgp-remote_as=100

If you have some BGP messages come from some other yabgp process, like:

$ pwd
$ ls
1450668274.82.msg 1450668593.59.msg

We want to send all the BGP message received from peer to We can use route injector like this:

$ python route_injector --rest-host= --rest-port=8801  \
                        --message-json=/home/yabgp/data/bgp/ \
Percent: [########################################          ] 81.05%

Then, route-injector will read bgp message file and try to send all bgp messages to peer through REST API. When finised:

Percent: [##################################################] 100.00%
Total messages:   128444.
Success send out: 15109
Failed send out:  113335

Postman Collection

Located in /yabgp/tools/Yabgp.postman_collection.json. You can import this collection into POSTMAN( and there are some REST API request examples.